Exclusive Remote Work Stories and Jobs, Every Week

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Share your remote work story

Share your remote work story
Credit: https://unsplash.com/

We share inspiring interviews of successful remote working professionals. These stories help our community to learn the challenges and benefits of working remotely. If you are working remotely and have an interesting story to share with others, you can submit it here.

Why should you share with us?

We are a community of people who are working remotely and people who are willing to move from a 9-5 job to remote work life. Your story will help them learn the challenges and benefits of working remotely. In a short span of time, we have published 20+ stories on our platform.

Who does run TheRemoteWork?

Hello, My name is Onkar Janwa. I have built this product to learn and share remote work-life experiences. I am a founder of MatteCurve Technologies Pvt. Ltd. based out of India.

Some inspiring stories shared by remote working people

  1. Remote Work Story of Michelle Dale - Founder of Virtual Miss Friday and Creator of 1nSourcing
  2. Remote Work Story of Aulia Halimatussadiah - Chief Marketing Officer of Remote Skills Academy
  3. Ability To Work Anywhere Physically And Set Your Own Schedule
  4. Remote Work Gives The freedom To Create Our Lifestyle Exactly As We Want
  5. Something Magical Happens When You Hire Talent From Across The Globe
  6. Remote Work Story of Giulia Cian Seren: Digital Marketer
  7. Remote Work Story of Melissa: Trailblazing Female Entrepreneur
  8. Ali Greene: Co- Author of Remote Works Book and Workshops Sharing Remote Work Experience
  9. Interview with Steven Rich, MBA on Remote Work
  10. Interview with Marlon Jansz on Remote Work

Where can you submit your story?

Submit Your Story Here

Onkar By: Onkar