Remote Work Success Story of Saurav Arya: Indie Maker

Remote Work Stories
25 September, 2021
Saurav Arya - Indie Maker

Can you please introduce yourself?

Indie maker, persistent wanderer and a hustler obsessed with building lifestyle businesses.

What’s your profession, what do you do?

Living a digital nomad lifestyle running multiple internet businesses

What company do you work for? Are you a freelancer or Digital Nomad?

Digital Nomad

How did you start with a remote work journey?

Left 9 to 5 to travel around the world. On a quest to visit every country.

What do you think are the main benefits of working remotely?

You can redesign your lifestyle the way you want to. Freedom of location and time.

Do you think there are disadvantages or that you’re missing something by working remotely?

Yes, absolutely. Everything in life is a trade off. Miss out on staying close to friends and family but I am glad I chose this lifestyle. Sacrifice is worth it.

From what cities or countries have you worked since you have become remote? What are your favourite countries or cities to work from?

91 countries so far

From what type of places do you prefer to work? Home, co-working spaces, coffee shops, or others?

Airbnbs, Hostels, Couches

What places would you like to travel to while working remotely?

Remaining 104 countries

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? Share your remote productivity, communication, management, etc. tips based on your experience!

Lacked accountability and overcame it by creating a community of digital nomads.

What tools do you use to improve productivity and manage work efficiently?

Notion, building in public, automation tools

How do you manage your business and taxes as a remote working professional?

Let my accountant do that

What advice would you give to people looking to work remotely?

Go for it

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Keywords: remote work success stories, live remotely, tips working remotely, work from home tips, working from home tips for success, wfh tips, work from home productivity tips

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