Remote Work Story of Dawn Pensack: NLP Coach

Remote Work Stories
8 July, 2021
Dawn Pensack

Dawn Pensack has shared her remote working experience with us.

What’s your profession, what do you do?

I'm an NLP Coach and EFT Practitioner.

What company do you work for? Are you a freelancer or Digital Nomad?

I'm self-employed.

How did you start with a remote work journey?

I burned out from a career as a math teacher. In 2014, I made a decision to drastically change my life after struggling with chronic illness for years. I left teaching in 2014 and spent time healing and working in curriculum development. In 2016, I hired my first life coach and started my own business as an EFT Practitioner, helping people manage their stress & anxiety so that they can live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

What do you think are the main benefits of working remotely?

Setting your own schedule and managing your time. I prefer to work in the early morning hours and love that I can do that!

Do you think there are disadvantages or that you’re missing something by working remotely?

Sometimes, I miss being face to face with others and being in a different environment. It's important to have boundaries when you're working remotely so that your personal life and work life doesn't blend together 24/7. Everyone needs time away from work and when you're working remotely, it can be easy to never stop working (especially if you really love what you do!).

From what type of places do you prefer to work? Home, co-working spaces, coffee shops or others?

I prefer working from home since it's easier for me to focus, fewer distractions, and I can better manage my energy. It IS nice though to go to a coffee shop for networking calls or when I'm doing something that doesn't require such intense focus.

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What places would you like to travel to while working remotely?

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Colorado!

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? Share your remote productivity, communication, management, etc. tips based on your experience!

Time management was tough when no one was looking over my shoulder. When I created work that I love doing, work according to my peaks and dips in energy throughout the day, and stay connected with peers for support and accountability, it's much easier to overcome challenges as a remote employee.

What tools you use to improve productivity and manage work efficiently?

Facebook Newsfeed Eradicator is a lifesaver!

How do you manage your business and taxes as a remote working professional?

I work closely with an Accountant to help me manage taxes.

What advice would you give to people looking to work remotely?

It can be lonely. Make sure you stay connected and have solid, firm work/life boundaries. Also, get outside for a few minutes every so often for a blast of sunshine and fresh air! It's amazing!

Visit Website: Dawn Pensack

Keywords: remote work success stories, live remotely, tips working remotely, work from home tips, working from home tips for success, wfh tips, work from home productivity tips

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