Mikros Animation is a global CGI animation studio located in Paris, Montreal, Los Angeles, Bangalore and London, dedicated to feature films and episodic content. Since its inception, Mikros Animation has always put creativity and CG artistry at the heart of its animation and production activities, allowing our artists to work across a great variety of stories with a high level of stylized craft. So far, Mikros Animation has contributed to ten released feature animations and to numerous high-quality animated series, for the world’s best-known animation studios, either as creative studio, line producer or executive producer. Mikros Animation has also produced more than 250 hours of programming, broadcast by notable channels including Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, TF1, France TV, Gulli, M6, Gloob, and Super RTL. Our animated episodic content airs and streams globally, in over 180 countries.
At Mikros Animation, we believe great animation is about making real connections with real people. By partnering with filmmakers to unite their creative visions, with our industry-leading craftsmanship and artistry, we create characters that connect with audiences on an authentic and emotional level to bring powerful stories to life.
Under the supervision of the Head of Pipeline, Technical Managers (TD) are involved in the design, development, optimization and maintenance of the pipeline and production tools.
Led and accompanied by Lead TD Character, the TD FX specializes in FX workflow issues. He works closely with the Image division (dedicated to film production) which includes Surfacing/Texturing and Lighting.
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